Invisible Ink

                      By Security Agency officer

 Invisible inks, also known as security ink or sympathetic ink can be any (unique) fluid or combination of chemicals, used for writing secret messages or text with the intention of hiding the information when it relates to “criminal mindset”. Invisible inks once applied on writing surface, after it dries looks as if it is blank, it disappears either on application or soon after, and can only be revealed by suitable means.

How Invisible Inks are classified?

The invisible inks can be made to fall into three main classes:

1.     Those, revealed by heat,

2.     Those, revealed by chemical reactions and,

3.     Those, instantly visible under light.

Invisible ink can further be divided into two, according to their sources:

                By   Advertising agency

2 .  Invisible ink is a substance used for writing, which is either invisible on application, or soon thereafter, and which later on can be made visible by some means. The use of invisible ink is a form of steganography, and has been used in espionage.


                          Sales brochure

Ink cannot be washed away by water or sweat. It can be removed with soap and water or it will self-evaporate from skin within 2-4 days. It offers quick drying times of no more than 15 seconds for an ideal solution for high-traffic events.

dea of invisible ink is still relevant in the business world today.  Think about an enormous stack of resumes, each one submitted by worthy candidates for the same dream job.  If the hiring manager compares them, line for line, the points of differentiation are minimal at best.  Impressive degrees from leading universities .

Corporate leaders who want to hire the very best person for the job look beyond the degrees and certifications for someone who can connect, communicate, and cooperate with others.  


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